How to use MemberSpace with Google Analytics
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) should be installed on your website (if your CMS supports it, which most do).
To use Google Analytics on your site, you will need to first create a Google Analytics account and add the tracking code to your website. Then, you can use Google Analytics in conjunction with MemberSpace as you'd like.
If you are looking to track conversions, the best way to do this is by using Google Analytics Events and Conversions (Formerly known as Goals). An Event or Conversion tracks important user interactions, like form new paid customers, form submissions, plans subscription, collection of leads, and more. When a user performs a specific action on your website that you've previously defined as a Conversion, Google Analytics will record that.
You can add code that fires after a member joins a plan by going to your MemberSpace backend, clicking Customize > Code Injection > Scrolling down to Conversion Code.
You can find more information on setting up Google Analytics Goals in Google's guide.
However, since Google Analytics is a 3rd party tool, it does fall outside the scope of MemberSpace support. If you do have any questions regarding the conversion code or setting up your Google Analytics, please contact Google's support.