How to get Terms & Conditions consent in a GDPR-compliant way

In order to have your members agree to your Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, or any other legal document, you'll need to create a custom signup field.

Here are the steps to set this up:

  1. Talk with a lawyer (if you haven't already) to create your Terms & Conditions wording. We strongly advise they make sure your Terms & Conditions are GDPR compliant.
  2. Add this wording to a new Terms & Conditions page on your website (or simply upload a PDF version of the wording to your website).
  3. Copy the link to either your Terms & Conditions page or to the PDF asset you uploaded.
  4. In your MemberSpace account > click on Customize in the left navigation > click Signup Fields > click Add Signup Fields:

  5. Select Checkbox as the "Type of signup field", and for the display name, enter something like this: I agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a>

    For the display name text, make sure you replace "" with the actual link to your Terms & Conditions page or PDF.

    Also, make sure you keep Show field after signup? toggled off, and toggle on Require field during sign up?:

  6. Now, whenever someone goes to sign up on your website as a member, they will be required to check off this new checkbox on your signup form:

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