How to refund members

If you need to refund either a full or partial charge for one of your members, you'll need to do that from within your Stripe account.

  1. Open a new tab in your browser and go to your Stripe Dashboard (sign in if you're logged out).
  2. Click Customers in the top menu:
  3. Find the customer you want to refund and click on their email. You'll then be able to see more details (such as the card used, payment amount, etc).
  4. Now to issue a refund, scroll down to the Payments section, click the three dots on the right, then click Refund payment:
    You can then type in the amount you want to refund, select a reason, and click the Refund button.
  5. If you would also like to cancel the member's recurring or multiple payment plan, simply go into your MemberSpace account > click on Members in the left navigation > find the person and click View member details > then click the Cancel link next to the plan you want to cancel for them.
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