How to protect pages en masse

MemberSpace allows you to protect multiple pages on your connected site at once by simply adding a single page URL.

This is useful for content like a blog, a course, or event listings where you want the preview page to remain public while the actual content (blog posts, course files, event details, etc.) is protected for members only.

  1. Go to Products
  2. Add a new product or edit an existing one.
  3. Under Where is your product?, click On my website
  4. Enter the page slug with a forward slash and asterisk: /page/* 

    Example: Adding /blog/* would automatically protect all pages starting with /blog/, but not the /blog/ page itself (it needs to be added separately).

    Here is an example of what a blog post URL might look like:

    So from that URL, all you need to add in MemberSpace to protect every post is /blog/*

  5. Click Add Now (or Update Now if editing an existing product) to save the page.

Now, any time you add a new page to your website under the main /blog page, it will automatically be protected by MemberSpace. 

Protecting pages en masse does not protect the main page (e.g. /blog) itself; if you'd like to protect the main page as well, you'll need to add it as a separate Protected Page.

Mass-protected pages will not appear in the Member Menu.

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