How to set up billing dates for plans

When you're creating a recurring payment plan, you have the option to enable a billing date:

For example, say you have a $50/month recurring payment plan with a billing date set to the 1st of the month.

If someone goes to join this plan on the 15th of the month, they will see extra text in your payment form letting them know they will be charged a prorated amount (~$25) right now, and the full amount will be charged on the 1st of the month.

Going forward, on the 1st of the month, they will be charged the full $50, and that charge will recur every month on the 1st.

If the prorated amount is less than $0.50, that will be applied at the next invoice.

The billing date functionality will only apply to someone who is NOT currently subscribed to a recurring plan of yours. If someone IS currently subscribed to a recurring plan and tries to switch to your new plan with a billing date, they will be charged the full monthly amount right away, and the monthly charge will recur based on whatever billing date they were on via their previous plan, not the billing date you set.

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