How do the Member Link options work?

The dynamic Member Link can be added to your website as a way for members to sign up, log in, and access their accounts. It's "dynamic" because the link changes function based on what your members need from it:

  • Login / Signup: For new customers (or existing members who are not logged in to their account), the Member Link will provide a login form with options to either log into an existing account or create a new one.

    By default, the MemberSpace login form offers the option for non-members to create an account, leading to a dropdown of all public plans for your new customers to choose from. You can disable the Create Account button or change where it links to.

  • Account: Once members are logged in, the Member Link will say "Your Account" and provide access to manage their billing and profile details and access member content.

  • Member Menu: If you have enabled the Member Menu, the Member Link will display your member navigation to logged-in members. (The Member Menu also includes a link to the member's account.)

The Member Link behaves the same as the default Member Button. If you disable the Member Button, you'll need to add the Member Link somewhere on your website, so your members can log in and access their account and member content.

The Member Link can be added to your website as a popup, or you can embed it directly on any page:

Member Link popup

When clicked, the login/signup form popup will appear. Once the member is logged in to their account, this link will automatically change to Your Account or Member Menu (if enabled).

Here's an example of a Member Link popup:

The wording your members see ("Your Account," "Member Menu") can be customized in your Custom Wording settings.

  1. Find the Member Link popup in your MemberSpace account via Customize > Integrations > [Your Website's CMS] > Member Link Options Popup
  2. Then, copy the link and add the Member Link popup to your website.

Member Link Embed

With the Member Link, you can easily embed a login/signup form within a specific page of your website. 
When a new customer (or logged-out member) visits the page with the Member Link embed, they will see the login/signup form embedded on the page. Once they are logged in to their account, the embedded form will automatically change to Your Account or Member Menu (if enabled).

Here's an example of a Member Link embed:

Finding and copying your Member Link embed code

  1. Find the Member Link embed in your MemberSpace account via Customize > Integrations > [Your Website's CMS] > Member Link Options Embed
  2. Then, copy the code and add the Member Link embed to your website.
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