Floating Member Button
After installing MemberSpace on your website, a floating Member Button will appear on all pages of your website, providing members access to sign up, log in, manage their accounts, and view your Member Menu (if enabled).
The Member Button's default location is the bottom right of your website, though you can customize the button's location, wording and design if you'd like.
This dynamic button functions similarly to your Member Link, changing based on what your members need from it. Here's what they'll see in different scenarios:
Log in / Sign up: For new customers (or existing members who are not logged in), the Member Button will provide a login form with options to either log into an existing account or create a new one.
By default, the MemberSpace login form offers the option for non-members to create an account, leading to a dropdown of all public plans for your new customers to choose from. You can disable that option or change where it links to.
Account: Once members are logged in to their accounts, the Member Button will now say "Your Account" and provide members access to their account area where they can access their billing details, account information and member content.
Member Menu: If you have enabled the Member Menu, the Member Button will display your member navigation to logged in members. (The Member Menu also includes a link to the member's account.)
Customizing your Member Button
You can easily customize the Member Button's color, font, or position in which it appears on your website.
In your MemberSpace account, go to Customize > Look & Feel > choose Member Button in the dropdown
To change the wording displayed on your Member Button, go to Customize > Custom Wording > Your Website and edit the button text as you'd like.
The floating Member Button is enabled by default for new MemberSpace sites. You can disable the Member Button if you prefer to use another member login/signup option.