How to use Zapier with MemberSpace

Our integration with Zapier allows you to send your member's data to over 1,000 other 3rd party services like Mailchimp, Trello, Hubspot, Google Sheets, etc.

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In Zapier, there are 2 main concepts: triggers and actions

Triggers and Actions

Triggers are events that happen in one service, like MemberSpace. When a trigger event happens, you can do something at the time of the event and have access to data that the trigger provides.

MemberSpace Triggers

  • Created Member Profile — Happens when a new member creates an account, before they join a plan.
  • New Membership — Happens when a member is added to or joins a member plan. You can have this apply to all plans or just specific ones.
  • Canceled Membership — Happens when a member is canceled from any plan or their plan expires.
  • Updated Member Profile — Happens when a member updates any part of their profile (e.g. name, email, custom sign up field).

In these triggers, member data is provided to you for use in an action (an event that you start from within Zapier to do something in a connected service). 

MemberSpace Actions

  • Find Member — Allows you to search for members by email from within a Zap. 

You can see the specifics of our integration with Zapier here.

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