How to set up your Notion site navigation for members

The way you want members to move through and interact on your Notion site is usually subjective, but the options below are good best practices to ensure your member experience is intuitive.

The easiest way to set up member navigation is by utilizing our Member Menu feature. Learn more about the Member Menu including how to enable it.

Option 2 - Create a member dashboard page

  1. Create a page under the home page you set via Super when installing MemberSpace. You could call this page Dashboard, for example, and design it however you want — likely linking out to any other protected pages you want people to easily access.

    So this page would act as the home base for your members to get anywhere else they need to go on your Notion site. Here's a design example:

  2. You would then add this dashboard page as a pretty URL in (e.g. /dashboard), then protect that URL as a product in MemberSpace.
  3. We recommend you also make this /dashboard page the After Log In and After Signup page URL for all your plans so new and returning members are taken there automatically.
  1. If you prefer to have links to every protected page easily accessible in your top navigation, we recommend you create a subpage dropdown.
  2. To do this, go to your Super backend > click the site you'd like to edit > click Navbar on the left > Manage navbar items. If you don't see this option, be sure to choose a custom option from the Navbar Type dropdown first.

  3. Click Add item.

  4. Choose List > add a title for your navbar (e.g. Members) > click Add item.

  5. Click Add item again > choose Page > enter a page title (this is how your page will display within the dropdown under the list you just created) > select the page you want to add to the dropdown > click Add item.

  6. Drag and drop the page you just created under the list.

  7. Continue to add additional lists and/or pages as needed and click Save changes at the top, left when you're finished.

When linking to other Notion pages, they must be subpages of the Notion home page you entered into Super. Otherwise, your members will see a 404 error.

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